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Hello everyone, hope you all r liking my blog. Today I have come up with one more exciting topic. We are very much used to the daily skincare routine which includes cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. But, scrubbing is also very important which is much needed for healthier skin. So, here comes my top 5 homemade scrubs which can be prepared very easily and works effectively.


1. Sugar scrub:

Sugar acts as a great exfoliator when mixed with lemon and honey it becomes a great scrub. This mixture can be used once in two weeks.

1.     tbsp spoon of Honey

2.    ½ tbsp spoon of lemon juice with fine sugar(powdered).


2. Rose Almond scrub:

This scrub brightens and softens your skin. This can be used once in two weeks.

1.     1 tbsp rose water

2.    ½ tbsp almond powder, which can be made by crushing some of the almonds.


3. Banana scrub:

This scrub is very effective in reducing dark spots, dark patches when used regularly, and smells delicious. This can be used once in two weeks.

1.     2 tbsp mashed banana.

2.    ½ tbsp oatmeals

3.    1 tbsp milk

4.    ½ tbsp honey


4. Chickpea scrub:

A well know scrub, which has many beneficial properties, which will reduce tanning as well and makes skin super supple and soft. Although, few will be allergic to the Chickpea powder including me. Make sure you make a patch test before applying it to the entire face. This can be used once in a week and u need,

1.     2 tbsp besan flour

2.    1 tbsp milk

3.    1 tbsp honey

4.    Pinch of turmeric


5. Orange peel scrub:

For bright and lighter complexion which can be used once in two weeks.

1.     1 tbsp orange peel powder

2.    1 tbsp rose water


That’s it!! Try these and I will be waiting for your valuable comments. J

In case if you are looking for the deep cleansing the skin, fasting the skin without applying any chemicals or detoxing the skin and the body you can check out our 1 Week Skin Detox Program, which is done at your place any time, with easily available kitchen ingredients.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more product info, tips, and natural remedies. And to buy natural handmade skin and hair care products click 


Suman Narayan.


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